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FAQ - Pocketalk Center
what is pocketalk center

What is Pocketalk Center?


Pocketalk Center is a cloud system where you can view a history of translations from other devices like smartphone, laptop and tablet.

To access Pocketalk Center, please go to the Menu, tap on Pocketalk Center and follow the instructions. [HOW TO]

I'm having issues setting up my paI'm having issues setting up my password

I'm having issues setting up my password on Pocketalk Center.


Try setting up the password that meets the following conditions:


Must be between 6-16 characters long.

Must contain at least one numeric character

Must contain at least one upper case alphabet

Must contain at least one lower case alphabet


Note: The password cannot have any symbols in it.

Why is the translation history in pocketalk center empty

Why is the translation history in Pocketalk Center empty even though I register for it?


The translation history will be automatically saved and displayed on Pocketalk Center only after you complete the registration online. For the steps how to register for Pocketalk Center, please go to [HOW TO].


​Note: The translation history will be automatically saved in the Pocketalk Device up to 10,000 results without any registration (unlimited saves in Pocketalk Center).

How many devices can I connect to the same

How many devices can I connect to the same Pocketalk Center?


There is no limit on number of devices that can be connected to the same Pocketalk. You can connect as much as you want!


Simply scan the QR code or type in the URL displayed on Pocketalk to your smartphone or laptop, and [Log In] to your Pocketalk account instead of creating a new account.

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